VSoH | Lost-Company verabschiedet sich
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 30. 2007 um 18:54 Uhr
Langsam wird es dünn um die deutsche Vanguard Welt. Die affiliated Fanseite Lost-Company verabschiedet sich von der Community. Der unterschied zu unserem Abschied ist, dass sie innerhalb einer Woche den Laden komplett schließen werden. Einzig und allein ihre Gilde wird übrig bleiben.
Lost Company wird in etwa einer Woche den Laden dicht machen. Wir bedanken uns bei den gut 400 Usern, welche uns in den letzten 2 Jahren begleitet haben. Die Gilde wird auf einen anderen Server ausgelagert und dort könnt ihr Euch immer noch registrieren oder bewerben, falls ihr Euch für eine nette Vanguardgemeinschaft interessiert.
Danke für Euer Interesse an Lost Company und Vanguard!
Euer Lost Company Staff
Wir bedauern dies sehr und möchten uns auf diesem Wege für alles bedanken, was der Lost Company Staff in den letzten beiden Jahren für Vanguard geleitest hat. Alles Gute für die Zukunft! |
Link: Zur Meldung auf Lost-Company
VSoH | Flugmounts zum Vermieten
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 30. 2007 um 18:53 Uhr
Wer schon immer einmal durch die Lüfte Telons fliegen wollte, dem steht nun nichts mehr im Wege. Die Macher von Vanguard haben nun NPCs an die Riftway-Systeme gestellt, bei denen für 20 Silber ein Mount für ganze 5 Minuten gemietet werden kann. Ist der atemberaubende Flug auf dem Greif (Thestra), Flugdrache (Qalia) oder Pegasus (Kojan) beendet, fällt man wieder zurück auf den Boden.
Wir freuen uns auf eure Screenshots und Erfahrungsberichte im Forum (0).
Link: Hier gehts zur offiziellen Newsmeldung
SOE | Neue Community Manager für Vanguard
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 30. 2007 um 18:52 Uhr
Vor kurzem wurden zwei neue Community Ladys für Vanguard "bereit" gestellt. Zum einen übernimmt Eovania den deutschen Part und Michelle Butler wird Community Managerin für die US Seite. Beide haben bereits einschlägige Erfahrungen mit der Community gesammelt. Eovania ist bereits deutsche Community lady für EverQuest 2 und Michelle Butler war Game Master für EverQuest 2.
Michelle Butler joins SOE as Vanguard Community Manager
Greetings Fellow Vanguard Players!
Some of you might be familiar with my background but for those who are not, I thought a brief introduction was in order.
My name is Michelle Butler and I am known among many of you as Elionia.
I joined the MMO Community in March of 1999 with Verant/Sony Online Entertainment as a Game Master for EverQuest. I was then promoted to EverQuest Customer Service Manager and Guide Liaison in 2000. In 2002 I moved to the development side of SOE to become a Game Designer for EverQuest Online Adventures and the Frontiers expansion.
I joined Sigil Games in 2004 where I spent a year learning the design aspects of Vanguard and then became the Vanguard Customer Support Manager in 2005. I am pleased to continue working with the Vanguard team and community as the Vanguard Community Relations Manager. My existing relationship with the Development team will aid me in bringing you up-to-date news and events on a daily basis for Vanguard Saga of Heroes.
As I settle in over the next few days, I look forward to making contact with those who have know me for awhile and I am eager to get to know those who I have never met.
I hope to see you on the forums!
Michelle Butler
Community Relations Manager |
Wir möchten beide in der Community herzlichst willkommen heißen.
Link: Meldung für Michelle Butler
SOE | SOE Fan Faire Registrierung nun offen
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 25. 2007 um 14:46 Uhr
Wie jedes Jahr veranstalltet Sony Online Entertainment auch dieses Jahr wieder die SOE Fan Faire. Eine Event, bei welchem sich Spieler aus aller Welt treffen. Die diesjährige findet in Las Vegas vom 02. bis 04. August statt. Ebenfalls wird es dieses Jahr wieder einige Events, Interviewmöglichkeiten und vieles mehr geben.
Registration is now open for the annual SOE Fan Faire being held on August 2-4, 2007 at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas.
Whether you´re a player of one of SOE´s many games, or someone who just loves games and good times, SOE Fan Faire is the party where you´ll find friends and a whole lot of gaming fun stuffed into an unforgettable three days!
Don´t miss out on your chance to meet fellow MMO players from around the world, participate in discussion panels, live events, and tournaments, and mingle with the teams behind each of the SOE games. |
Link: Hier gehts zu SOE Fan Faire Homepage
Interview | John Smedley bei Gamasutra
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 13. 2007 um 12:29 Uhr
John Smedly von Sony Online Entertainment gibt der Redaktion von Gamasutra ein Interview in Bezug auf die kommenden Änderungen von Vanguard und Sigil Games Online.
Q&A: Smedley On SOE´s Hustle To Evolve
Sony Online Entertainment´s president John Smedley is a confident man. At this year´s Gamer´s Day event for the EverQuest-creating Sony division and sister firm to PlayStation 3 creator SCEE, he introduced the heads of the company´s different development studios with the air of a man who sees new opportunities on the horizon.
He had a good deal of excitement and enthusiasm for the newly announced Rise of Kunark expansion for EverQuest 2, the ongoing progress for Gods and Heroes, and the quiet continuation of other SOE titles.
But new projects on the horizon are what he feels passionate about right now. SOE is adapting to the times with new business models, new genres of massively multiplayer games, mobile gaming, and a focus on appealing to gaming habits abroad. The most significant new announcement is an Asian-focused online game based on Stephen Chow´s frantic movie Kung Fu Hustle.
Gamasutra sat down with Smedley to talk about his vision for Sony Online´s expansion beyond its traditional Western and monthly subscription-based roots, and his concept for the future of online games.
Link: Hier gehts zum kompletten Interview
VSoH | Kreaturenvorstellung: Ulvari
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 13. 2007 um 12:27 Uhr
Nicht nur, dass Sigil einige Dungeons präsentiert; sie stellen der Community nun auch die fiesen Ungeheuer vor, die wir bei Begegnung unbedigt vernichten wollen. Lernt sie besser kennen und versteht ihr Wesen:
Location: The Blighted Lands (Kojan)
Levels: Mid to High
The verdant islands of Kojan face daily ravaging at the hands of the otherworldly ulvari. These aberrations came to Telon on the heels of the fleeing raki population, whose world they summarily destroyed – just as they threaten to destroy Kojan. The ulvari hunger for magic the way a leech hungers for blood, and they will not stop until they have drained every last drop from the Kojani people.
Found throughout Kojan, but concentrated most heavily within the blighted lands, the ulvari have talent both as warriors and mages. They hold Tanvu under siege, having infected the minds of even high government officials with their corruption, and it is only by the sanctuary of a powerful artifact that the city has not yet been swallowed by them. The dream-warriors of Tanvu´s Aurora family fight them daily on the dream plane, but they can only do so much to stave off what seems to be inevitable,and on the other end of humanity, the devotees of Ra´Jin operate under ulvari control, corrupting the lifeforce Jin with their spreading influence. Fortunately, the virtuous Lao´Jin have taken up the cause of fighting them back, and without their efforts, the whole of Kojan may already have fallen. It is rumored that even the emperor has tasted ulvari corruption, and that does not bode well for the future of Kojan. |
Link: Hier gehts zu den Ulvari
VSoH | Dungeonvorstellungen
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 13. 2007 um 12:24 Uhr
Sigil hat damit begonnen auf der offiziellen Seite einige Dungeons vorzustellen. Die ersten in dieser Reihe ist zum einen die Rakshasa Citadel...
Location: Coastal Gahren Plains (Qalia)
Levels: 35 - 40
Any ship captain will tell you to steer clear of the Rakshasa Citadel, for the island is rumored to be cursed. Little is known of the citadel, save that any who venture to the island to explore the unnatural architecture are seldom seen again. It is due to these sea tales that the citadel is wisely ignored and viewed from afar. The recent arrival of shadowy winged creatures around the citadel has spawned an upsurge of interest in the island, and a great amount of wariness from those captains who dare not gamble their ship against almost certain disaster. |
und zum anderen das Tomb of Lord Tsang...
Location: The Jin´ka Forest (Kojan)
Levels: 20 - 25
Deep in the Jin´ka Forest lies the ancient resting place of the great Lord Tsang, the warrior poet who fought with faith and steel to unite the warring states of ancient Kojan into one kingdom under Jin. Though Lord Tsang did not live to see his empire realized, his son finished the task and was credited as the first true emperor, he is commonly afforded the same respectful title. Despite Tsang´s humble teachings of Jin, the people built a great tomb in his honor outside his home city of Tanvu, and consecrated his body within.
The devastation of the cataclysm has left more mysticism than knowledge about Lord Tsang in the minds of the Kojani. What is known is that whenever their empire has faced annihilation, the spirit of Lord Tsang has risen from the grave and carried his legendary weapons into battle to defend his people. With the terror of the ulvari sweeping across Kojan, once again the cry for deliverance rings out. But this time there is no answer.
In these dark times, when Lord Tsang appears to have abandoned his people, Kojan, now more than ever, needs heroes. Do you possess courage enough to venture into Lord Tsang´s tomb? Have you the skill and cunning to best his eternal guardians? Will you have the strength of spirit to take up the cause and wield his sacred weapons of legend?
Link: Hier gehts zur Rakshasa Citadel
Link: Hier gehts zum Tomb of Lord Tsang
Netzwerk | Molgam Network steht zum Verkauf
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 08. 2007 um 22:57 Uhr
Werte Community, werte Besucher.
Nicht immer sind alle Neuigkeiten gut. Seit einiger Zeit habe ich nun darüber nachgedacht, wie es mit dem Molgam Netzwerk weiter geht. Es war immer ein Wechsel zwischen weiter machen und aufhören. Die ganze Zeit über hat das Weiter-Machen überwogen, doch nun nicht mehr. Es ist für mich ein wirklich schwerer Schritt. Ich bin nun seit ungefähr 5 Jahren in diesem Geschäft und meine Interessen haben sich seit dem stetig weiter entwickelt. Ich kann den Aufwand nicht mehr in einem reinen Hobby-Projekt bewältigen. Zwar sind im Netzwerk auch fleißige Helfer (Missmau, Arianrodh, Darlan, Sain und Nalim) unterwegs, bei denen und denen die mich eine lange Zeit begleitet haben (gracjanski, Thodian, RangGoon, Galrikh, Gundahar, Berme, Thanatos, Rembock, Orphelia, Nordwin, Mysterio, Aesculap (plus die anderen) und natürlich ihr die Besucher) möchte ich mich recht herzlichst bedanken. Zusätzlich zu dem genannten kommt noch das wirkliche Leben, meine Schwerpunkte und Zielsetzungen haben sich ebenfalls geändert, so bleibt nicht mehr genug Zeit vorhanden ein solch aufwändiges Projekt zu betreuen.
Wie sieht das ganze nun bezüglich des Netzwerkes aus? Ich habe mich dazu entschlossen das komplette Projekt, so wie es online ist über die Plattform eBay zur Auktion zu geben. Das bedeutet, dass es voraussichtlich bald schon einen neuen Inhaber geben wird. Wie dieser das Netzwerk führen oder behandeln wird, dass liegt alleine in seinem Bereich.
Ich möchte mich bei allen bedanken und man sieht sich bestimmt wieder einmal. Ich bin ja nicht aus der Welt und dem Internet.
Ich wünsche euch und dem Netzwerk alles Gute!
Jörg Ledergerber
ps. Die Auktion findet ihr hier
VSoH | Newsletter für den April
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 08. 2007 um 19:34 Uhr
Habe eben in meinem Postfach noch den Vanguard Newsletter für den April gefunden. Ich finde, auch der sollte gelesen werden. Da er nur als Bild zur Verfügung steht, findet ihr ihn im Anhang.
Link: Hier gehts zum Bilder-Newsletter
Interview | Interview mit Michael Mann
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 01. 2007 um 10:55 Uhr
Es wird bald Änderungen für die Druidenklasse geben. Mensis von Vanguard Ten Ton Hammer hat dabei die Gelegenheit erfasst und dem Game Designer Michael ´Avair´ einiges in an Informationen entlocken können.
[TTH]: Regarding the Wolf Pack wonder, some people find the wolf shape annoying because they cannot see their character’s actions. As a result, many opt to ignore this buff, even though it is one of the most effective in the game. Are there any plans to improve this?
[MM]: Originally the wolfshape/wolf pack ability was going to transform characters into a werewolf model, which is much more conducive to casting animations and particle effects. With our time constraints and available resources we were not able to get the model we needed. We used the wolf model instead and it is not the optimal situation. In the meantime I can make the ability have two icons, one for the buff and one for the shape shift. This way players can click off the wolf form if they choose and still reap the benefits of the buff. |
Link: Hier gehts zum Interview
SOE | SOE plant die Übernahme von SGO
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 30. 2007 um 17:01 Uhr
Seit circa letzter Woche gab es Gerüchte darüber, das Sigil Games Online als ein Übernahmeobjekt von Sony Online Entertainment gehandelt wird. Sigil Games Online ist der Hersteller des MMORPGs Vanguard - Saga of Heroes. Nun sind aus den gerüchten heute nacht Tatsachen geworden, denn Sigil Gründer Brad McQuaid hat sich nun zu diesem Thema offiziell geäußert und stellt den status quo vor.
So here´s the first topic, starting with the current official statement from SOE:
"SOE is in discussions with Sigil regarding the future of Vanguard and Sigil Games in Carlsbad. Talks are going well and first and foremost, our primary concern right now is what´s best for Vanguard and its community. We want to ensure that this game and its community have a healthy future. The specifics that we work out over the coming days will all be with that single goal in mind."
What does that mean? It means that right now Vanguard is doing decently but not as well as we hoped. If you haven´t read my last long post that outlined some of the things that went wrong during development, etc., please do. So the bottom line is that SOE is going to be getting more involved with Sigil and Vanguard - our relationship is going to become even tighter - much tighter. At this point I can´t say much more than that.
Does this mean an acquisition? I can´t say at this point.
Does this mean more or less people at Sigil? I can´t say at this point.
Does this mean management changes at Sigil? I can´t say at this point. |
| Klick hier um mehr zu erfahren |
What it does mean at this point is that both companies agree that we need more of SOE´s involvement if Vanguard is going to continue to get the support it needs to both continue to be worked on and improved and debugged and optimized. When people start getting burned out of the Warcraft expansion (pardon the pun), we need to make sure that the game is more polished and will play on lower end machines. As people continue to level up, it means that we need additional higher level content, including raid content. If we are going to change our marketing message effectively to target those who played a lot of EverQuest but who have ‘grown up´ such that they have jobs, families, etc. that they cannot and will not play another EverQuest even though they enjoyed they game years ago. We´ve done studies and it´s not atypical of an old EQ player, when they hear about Vanguard, to assume that because many of the people involved in Vanguard´s development worked on EQ as well, that Vanguard must simply be an EQ 3. From that point they don´t even give Vanguard another look. They don´t do any more research on the game. They don´t go to the official sites. They don´t go to the affiliate sites. Instead they think to themselves, "ah well, were I younger and had my life not changed, I´d give it a shot, but I just don´t have the time for another EQ with better graphics right now."
And that´s it - they don´t give Vanguard another thought EQ peaked in late 2001 at almost 500k subscribers. In its lifetime it´s sold over 2 million units. Putting EQ in a vacuum and that´s a lot of people who played and who aren´t playing anymore. And the total number of subscribers didn´t start going down until sometime 2002. I´m also pretty sure up until its peak that the average lifespan of a player was nearing 9-12 months. And as I mentioned in my last lengthy post, this group of people who played but don´t anymore could arguably be put into two sub-groups - those who look back fondly at those months and even years and those who don´t. I have read posts and received emails from people who claim to have played to max level and then quit very angry - the "I just played your game for 2 years and now I hate you" emails. But realistically how big is that group? Even if it was half (boggle) the other group is still pretty big. So ignoring all of the people who have quit or who are growing bored of their current MMOG (WoW, FFXI, DAoC, etc) that need to be reached (and in a very different way, especially the WoW player), both a word of mouth and a formal marketing campaign targeting these people clearly needs to launched. These people need to know that Vanguard does have the ‘EQ feel´ in many ways but that it is much more soloable than EQ was, especially the early EQ days. They need to know that you can play for short periods of time and advance. They need to know that the ‘end game´ is not all about raiding into the wee hours of the night. Some subset of these people will still feel burnt out of MMOGs period, but I think there´s a lot of people who haven´t been reached and our and others research supports that. False assumptions are being made by a lot of people. The reality is that Vanguard *is* the game most of these people are looking for - it has the good they remember, but has eliminated a lot of the tedium and necessary long hours that don´t fit into their lifestyle anymore.
Then there are the people who are growing weary of their current MMOG. Given how much larger the MMOG gamespace has grown since EQ´s zenith in 2001 (arguably 7 times as large worldwide, and at least 2-3 time as large in North America alone), we have to take advantage of this. At some point these people are going to want to start a new MMOG (especially after the WoW expansion newness has worn out, which for most of the non-hard-core would be when you really have to start raiding in the expansion). LoTR Online is an x-factor - reviews from beta testers seem to indicate that the game is more casual like WoW, a small game, and that it looks really good but can run on a lower end system much better than Vanguard (just as WoW can). So at least for a time the more casual bored WoW player may migrate to LoTR Online. How sticky (e.g. how long that game will hold onto players) is unknown, but I think it´s safe to say that a significant percentage of the more casual bored WoW player will head to LoTR - at least first, given the franchise around it. Conservatively this leaves the more hard core WoW player (which in Vanguard or EQ terms would be considered either a hard core or, more likely, a core gamer). That number, even just taking the North American and European gamer is still potentially a large one and needs to be targeted (given Vanguard´s high system specs, the time it will take to localize, and Blizzard´s name recognition and pre-existing proven marketing ability in Asia, I wouldn´t count that group, although a very significant one, until 2008 or so. Targeting that group is for a future discussion).
Lastly, there´s the very real issue of Vanguard´s system specs, even for the core and hard core gamer in North America and Europe. For a variety of reasons and mistakes on our part that I won´t get into right now, Vanguard was released with system spec requirements that were too high for January 2007. Continued optimization will help to a degree, but the game´s big hope here is simply Moore´s Law and that by the second half of 2007, and certainly by the end of the year, the system spec issue will have been greatly diminished. The big problem that remains is that you still pretty much need a new system as opposed to, say, simply a new graphics card. But eventually, gamers do replace their systems. Given what Vista (especially the Ultimate edition) takes to really run, combined with other games that come out by the end of the year that really push technology, many people will be compelled to buy new systems. Unlike EQ, which was one of the first hardware only games, Vanguard needs not only a fast graphics card, but also a system with pci-express, fast memory, a fast FSB, etc. With EQ, you just needed to buy a Voodoo 1 or Voodoo 2 - the rest of your system is fine. With Vanguard, however, just plugging the fastest AGP card into your 2-3 year old system doesn´t cut it. In fact, Vanguard runs pretty well on a 2 GB system with a decent pci-express video card and fast memory in a 2.6 GHz Pentium; conversely, run the game on an older AGP system, the fastest AGP card you can buy, and a 3.2 GHz CPU and you´ll have framerate issues. The game is simply not CPU bound, nor just graphics card bound, but rather mostly bound by the data that it needs to constantly move from the CPU to main memory to the graphics card, and then all the way back again. It´s all about the various bus speeds and caches - moving data around efficiently is arguably more important than processing that data on the CPU or GPU. The only fix here, again, is time. Vista (especially the Ultimate edition, which is what´s being pushed to gamers) wants fast components. Direct X 10 hardware and software will help a lot, especially when there is a DX10 version of Vanguard. A native 64bit client of Vanguard will eventually help a lot too. Bottom line: by the end of 2007, a lot more people should have upgraded, especially if Microsoft succeeds with Vista and native DX 10 games. And if they really push Gaming for Windows like they did, say, the Xbox 360, the end of 2007 and beginning of 2008 should be a very different landscape for PC games in general and Vanguard specifically. Was the Vanguard tech ahead of its time? Yes, and there has been a price to pay for that short term (although many people are able to play with older machines - why? Different configurations, different settings, different thresholds for lower framerates, etc.). But MMOGs ideally never end and if you´ve architected your engine to both push the limits of existing and near future technology as well as easily employ future technologies, then you have a game that doesn´t look dated one, two, even three plus years down the road. And that´s what we did with Vanguard - so we feel some pain now, but if we can keep the momentum going, this decision pays off in the long run (big time).
In summary, there are arguably a lot of people who by mid to end of this year in the MMOG gamespace for whom Vanguard could potentially be very attractive. What the game needs is a re-launch of sorts, including targeted marketing campaigns, an all-around successful move by gamers to the next generation of hardware, continued good word of mouth ‘viral´ marketing by those who are already playing, enjoying, and re-subscribing. And all of this could and should ramp up by the end of the year, all the while the Vanguard team is putting in more content, the live team filling out high level content as well as adding to areas of the game´s vast seamless world which are a bit empty. Then a re-launch towards the end of the year plus the first expansion (which is looking like first quarter 200SMILEY8), one that would add RTS style city building, ship to ship combat, jousting, and a second ‘half´ of the Kojanese Archipelago that makes ship travel meaningful - and by meaningful I mean not tedious, rewarding exploration, with lots of new areas (both in the existing world and in the extension of the archipelago). And I´m talking about some re-use of existing art, combined with new art that fits into the existing continents, and then finally some all out new stuff - different styles of terrain (islands) and ocean to look at while making your journey to found a new player city while constantly being attacked by exotic sea creatures, leviathans, and other traditional members of fantasy and crypto-zoology. Not to mention pirates with canons, or other players and their ships on the PvP servers. And who knows, could be first expansion or second, but eventually you need to pull from Mesoamerican mythology, encounter empires based on Greco-roman architecture... it goes on and on, it´s all planned out, and Vanguard can do all of it given sufficient time. The tools have matured, both in terms of art and design, and the art process orders of magnitude more efficient because of years of Maya scripting, an in-house terrain generator that creates what you want as opposed to spitting out algorithmically generated hills and valleys, and an art team that has this process down pat - for example, they were able to re-create Tursh and Leth Nurae in a fraction of time it took them to create the original, smaller, and much less interesting ‘versions´.
"SOE is in discussions with Sigil regarding the future of Vanguard and Sigil Games in Carlsbad. Talks are going well and first and foremost, our primary concern right now is what´s best for Vanguard and its community. We want to ensure that this game and its community have a healthy future. The specifics that we work out over the coming days will all be with that single goal in mind."
So what does that mean again? Again, I apologize for not being able to go into details and it´s the details that need to be worked out. But I think it´s safe to say that both Sigil and SOE see the potential of a mind blowing game by the end of the year. What´s needed, bottom line, is some time, and how to get that time is what´s being worked out. And so I still see a 500k+ game, I was just off by a year for a variety of reasons, some under my control, many not. And I think SOE sees this as well. To pull it off however, requires a funded and supported Sigil and a well marketed Vanguard with these different target audiences identified and solid plan on how to reach them all, and then a solid execution of said plan, hitting them hard, pushing these ‘WoW everywhere´ point of purchase materials from the front to the very back.. In the meantime, the Vanguard that was launched in early 2007 continues to move forward, with much of what I´ve talked about patched in over time, and the rest in the first expansion (or re-launch, or whatever we all agree upon in terms of product and service placement). Bottom line, Vanguard continues to march forward, a solid and fun game today, and an even better one tomorrow. More ‘state of the game´ posts by me, a regularly updated ‘In the Works´ http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/inTheWorks.vm. And whatever kind of increased partnership between Sigil and SOE is necessary to make this vision a reality. And again, as for what that means exactly, more on that later TM. |
Aus diesem langen Beitrag im offizielen Forum wird ersichtlich, dass eine wirklich sehr sehr enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen SOE und SGO das mindeste sein wird, was in Zukunft auf die Community zukommt. Brad beschreibt in seinem Beitrag, dass es dringend notwendig ist, dass Vanguard auf einen neuen Kurs geht. Er greift dabei Aspekte auf, die zum Teil beschreiben, was Vanguard sein sollte aber auch was alles schief gelaufen ist.
Der Hintergrund hinter diesen Überlegungen ist, dass es Sigil finanziell nicht besonderst gut geht und sinkende Spielerzahlen ihr übriges dazu tun. Vanguard ist sicherlich ausbaufähig aber Zeit ist Geld und letzters hat Sigil nicht mehr.
Diskutiert mit uns im Forum, was ihr davon haltet.
Link: Offizieller Beitrag von Brad McQuaid
Patch | Patchnotes Build 1818 - 25. April 2007
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 26. 2007 um 08:26 Uhr
Die Patchnotes vom Testserver wurden nun in die Realität umgesetzt und haben Einzug auf die normalen Server gehalten. Bei uns im Archiv findet ihr nun die gesamten Änderungen zu Update Build 1818.
- Riftway Stones have appeared at several altars throughout Telon and will allow faster transit through their magic. Scholars believe that these stones have simply been “out of phase” with the rest of Telon since the time of the cataclysm. In order to use a Riftway Stone to teleport you must acquire a Riftway Shard – now available at general goods vendors.
- Travelers must attune at each Riftway Stone in order to return to said stone via another Riftway Stone on the same network.
- There are currently three known Riftway Networks – each stone in the world belongs to one of these three networks.
- The Riftway Stones at New Targonor, Ahgram, and Tawar Galan are only destinations – and may be reached via any Riftway Network.
- "You have gained experience" messages will now show the amount of experience and the source (e.g. group, fellowship, etc.). When regaining lost xp or debt, it will also say "you recover" instead of "you gain."
- The unicorn and shadowhound mounts are now set to their correct stats: Speed 70 and Stability 50.
- Endurance costs for large and medium melee damage over time attacks have been lowered.
- NPCs on the Lost Spirits of Vol Tuniel faction should no longer display a double faction hit |
Link: Zu den kompletten Update Bemerkungen
VSoH | Riftways Reisesystem aktiviert
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 26. 2007 um 08:17 Uhr
Das Reisen in Vanguard ist nun um einiges sicherer geworden. Mit der Aktivierung des Riftways Systemes können größere Strecken innerhalb eines Netwerkes schnell und einfach zurück gelegt werden. Überall in Telon sind nun solche Altare vorhanden, die dafür verwendet werden können. Alles was benötigt wird ist ein "Riftway Shard". Dieser kann für günstiges Geld bei einem Händler erworben und danach aktiviert werden.
Die drei Netzwerke sind wie folgt aufgebaut:
Network I
Network II
Network III
Wildgrowth Forest
Magi Hold
Blighted Lands
Lomshir Plain
Qa Riverbank
Strand of the Ancients
Coterie Infineum Sanctuary
Renton Keep
The Deebs
Vault of Heroes
Tawar Galan*
New Targonor* |
River Palace
Jathred´s Twist
Zossyr Hakrel
Ruins of Vol Tuniel
Frostshard Lake
Beranid Hills
Tawar Galan*
New Targonor* |
Plains of Anguish
Wyrmwing Slopes
Pankor Zhi
Tawar Galan*
New Targonor* |
* These destinations can be traveled to from any riftstone; however, you can not travel to any riftstone from them.
Wir werden in kürze eine deutsche Beschreibung über dieses System hier veröffentlichen. Habt ihr bereits Erfahrungen mit diesem System gesammelt, dann besucht uns doch im Forum (0) und berichtet uns davon.
Link: Beschriebung des Riftway Systems in englisch
Patch | Patchnotes 20. April 2007
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 25. 2007 um 08:17 Uhr
Hier sind die letzten Patchnotes des Testservers.
- Riftway Stones have appeared at several altars throughout Telon and will allow faster transit through their magic. Scholars believe that these stones have simply been “out of phase” with the rest of Telon since the time of the cataclysm. In order to use a Riftway Stone to teleport you must acquire a Riftway Shard – now available at general goods vendors.
- Travelers must attune at each Riftway Stone in order to return to said stone via another Riftway Stone on the same network.
- There are currently three known Riftway Networks – each stone in the world belongs to one of these three networks.
- The Riftway Stones at New Targonor, Ahgram, and Tawar Galan are only destinations – and may be reached via any Riftway Network.
- "You have gained experience" messages will now show the amount of experience and the source (e.g. group, fellowship, etc.). When regaining lost xp or debt, it will also say "you recover" instead of "you gain."
- The unicorn and shadowhound mounts are now set to their correct stats: Speed 70 and Stability 50.
- Endurance costs for large and medium melee damage over time attacks have been lowered. |
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VSoH | Foundertitel nun erhaltbar
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 25. 2007 um 08:06 Uhr
Wie bereits vor längerem angekündigt wurde, gibt es nun den versprochenen Gründertitel. Jeder, der seinen Account bis einschließlich zum 31. März 2007 aktiviert hat, der erhält einen solchen Titel in dem im Chatfenster /claim eingegeben wird. Dieser Titel ist ein Dankeschön für die Unterstützung von Vanguard und zeigt jedem, wie lange man schon dabei ist.
Greetings players!
As a special thanks to all those that have helped bring the world of Telon to life and continue to help it grow all players who have actiavated their accounts on or before Marth 31, 2007 may now claim a founders title signifying their contributions to Vanguard. To claim your title type /claim in game and claim the appropriate reward number. Once you have claimed your title you may set it as you would any other title. Thank you! |
Link: Hier zur offiziellen News
VSoH | TenTonHammer Top 10 Bug und Issue Liste
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 21. 2007 um 08:46 Uhr
Die Kollegen von TenTonHammer haben sich dazu entschlossen Sigil Games Online bei der Sammlung von Bugs und Spieleverbesserungen behilflich zu sein. Aus diesem Grund haben sie eine eigene Top 10 Bug und Spielewunschliste erstellt. Die erste aus einer größeren Serie wird nun präsentiert.
This is the first in a series of bug lists the Class Specialists at Ten Ton Hammer will be compiling for review by the Sigil development team. We are inviting the developers to respond to any bugs they feel are working as intended or to offer any explanation of how a bug on this list might change in the future. Suul compiled this list with the aid of other psionicists on the Ten Ton Hammer forums.
Issue: Enhanced and more exclusive control abilities
Our crowd control isn’t bad but very limited and with reaching level 40, more and more mobs are immune to charm, mezz, clone. In some areas immunities are the rule and not the exception which makes us utterly useless.
Issue: Buff timers
This is important for all classes really. 30 minute buffs need to be extended to an hour for one thing. We also need group buffs. When it comes to raiding, it will take longer to buff an entire raid than it will to kill the mobs. |
Link: Hier gehts zur Liste
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