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Build 1723 Patch Notes 1/27/2007
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 19. 2007 um 22:13 Uhr  

Game Updates January 27,2007

Vanguard Patch Notes 1/27/2007
Welcome to Vanguard: Saga of Heroes!
Congratulations!  Your pre-order of Vanguard allows you to be one of the first to witness the exciting, dangerous, and ever-changing world of Telon.  Telon is a living world, and like any world its early days is going to be fraught with turbulence. Expect us to have to “patch” any cracks as they appear for the first days.

We know you are excited to explore the world we created for you, and we are equally excited to have you here. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the landscape… enjoy the freedom… of Vanguard.
- PVP - Fixed defensive targeting issues on the team PVP rule set.
- PVP - Increased partial spell resist chance for all classes.
- PVP - Decreased chance to break stuns and roots on hit for all classes
- Some utility icons have been updated.
- Tier quest completion is now mandatory to learn general skill crafting recipes.
- Specialization and Tier Quests require the crafter to be one level higher to take them now.
- Updated recipe levels for all trades.
- Players can now choose between all comments on the "Back to Thistle" Quest.
- Advisor Ma’ax no longer lies. He allows players to skip the Diplomacy Tutorial.
- The Voices of Kaerellun now lead Half-Elves to their appropriate Instructor.
- Newbie Diplomacy pants now have a name, description, and give a point of Domestic Presence.
- You can now defeat Abulard Thistle more easily in “The Best Way to Grasp a Thistle”
- Some decks (like the one on Graag the Ripper) have been made slightly easier to beat – this corrects almost all problems with players not able to complete parleys due to difficulty.
- Half Elves can now begin the Diplomacy line in Tanvu at Hido Kani Dawnstar.
- Ambiance upgrade in New Targonor and Ahgram.
- After speaking with Bijourn in “When You’re A Stranger” the correct waypoint is given to the Traveler. For reference, he is on the hill watching you talking to Bijourn.
- The Spirit Rager’s Decks have been turned down to "Beatable." They should now no longer smash players with the Hammer of Injustice(TM)
- Leth Nurae – The skill block for High Elf diplomacy has been removed after the quest “Tanalion’s Training”, you can proceed as normal.
- Leth Nurae – Arianna Lanendril now points you in the right direction to find Captain Laenil, she found that her joke of pointing you into the middle of the Kaon infested forest wasn’t that funny after all.
- Qur’xa – The Sybarite Obliterator and the Effigy of Rage have cast aside their vows of pacifism and will now fight each other to the death.  You can now proceed in Kurashasan diplomacy.
- Martok Two-Handed Axes should now have the appropriate models
- Quivers and Bolt Cases have been added to Weapon Vendors
- Instruments now require two hands to play (imagine that)
- The Shrine of the Mind in Jalen’s Crossing should no longer punt everyone; gnomes beware, the test was a success!
- Cammora in Jalen’s Crossing is now offering a reward to adventurers who brave elemental arks of the Ark of Harmony
- Low levels dungeons near starting areas have had “dungeon loot” added to them in order to help prevent player’s equipment from falling far behind their adventuring level; more to come
- The quest, “Ant Attraction” now sends players in the right direction.
- Redcap pumpkin thieves are now much more common in Rindol Field.
- Jack o’ Lanterns now go away after a time in Rindol Field.
- There is now just one map dot for Gwarn’s Boundary.
- Fixed starter training quests so you shouldn’t get them before you need to train.
- Yukiona in the Wildgrowth Forest should now have the correct appearance.
- Named mobs in the Wildgrowth Forest should now be dropping loot.
- Respawn timer on Mussel Shells on the Martok shores has been adjusted.
- Pristine Blacktusk Hides required for the Leather for the Harness quest in Martok will now drop off the intended creature only.
- Graphic on the Boar Cleaver has been updated.
- Fixed minor text issues in several Martok quests.
- Dracosnap Tortoises should now respawn properly.
- Mobs in Martok should no longer show as being stuck.
- Training quests in Martok, Bordinar’s Cleft, and Mekalia should now be handed out at the appropriate level.
- Named NPCs in the Blighted Lands have decided to spend more time with their pet chihuahuas, resulting in a decreased chance to be frowned upon by them.
- The combat crossed swords on the player status window will now only show when you are actually in combat.
- Fix to anisotropic filtering which was preventing it from working under certain drivers in certain circumstances. Should see improved quality for those using anisotropic filtering.
- Full support for variant aspect ratios has been added. Widescreen users should see a noticeable difference in their field of view.
~The Vanguard Team

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          Quests: 0
          Gilden: 20
          Downloads: 69
          Phase: Released
          Release: Januar 2007


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