Affilliated Fansite




Community Gilde










· Shadowfire stellt sich vo...
· Infos von der Fan Faire
· Gilde Dwarvenholt wird vo...
· SOE´s Second Annual Block...
· PhAtHoM wird vorgestellt
· Bilder des Tages
· Patchnotes 05. Juli 2007
· Welche Probleme zuerst lö...
· Accountdaten nicht preis ...
· Deutsche Vanguard Version...
· Picture of the Week
· Tribut an Keith Parkinson
· Thom Terrazas stellt sich...
· Sigil distanziert sich er...
· LA Meet and Greet recap
· Build 1849 Patch Notes 07...
· Build 1835 Patch Notes 5/...
· Build 1818 Patch Notes 4/...
· Build 1817 Patch Notes 4/...
· Build 1723 Patch Notes 1/...
· Build 1722 Patch Notes 1/...
· Build 1724 Patch Notes 1/...
· Build 1725 Patch Notes 1/...
· Build 1726 Patch Notes 1/...
· Build 1728 Patch Notes 2/...

VSoH | Shadowfire stellt sich vor

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 04. 2007 um 23:50 Uhr

Auch die Gilde Shadowfire auf dem Server Thunderaxe stellt sich in einem Interview der Community vor. Was sie so von sich zu berichten habt, das lest ihr in ihren Antworten nach:

    Our guild was formed officially a few days after Vanguard´s launch, although we had the website up and running and had been discussing the details of it for a month or so before Vanguard launched. Shadowfire didn´t exist prior to Vanguard, although a good number of our members knew each other from previous games. About half of our original members came from EQ2, where we had been part of a guild called the Dioscuri, and the other half of us came from SWG, where we had been part of the Kor Spera Fellowship (KSF). There were a few people who played both games who helped bring everyone together. Since then, of course, we´ve met a lot of new friends who have come from many different worlds.

Link: Weitere Informationen zu dieser Gilde entnehmt ihr hier

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | Infos von der Fan Faire

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 04. 2007 um 23:48 Uhr

Vor einiger Zeit gab es bei SOE wieder die alljährliche Fan Faire, dieses mal in Las Vegas. Wir möchten euch noch einen kleienn Ausblick dessen geben, was es an neuen Informationen von dort zu berichten gab, da wir dies leider versäumt haben.

Bei Silky Venom gibt es eine Auflistung dessen, was SOE für die nahe Zukunft geplant hat.

    * Diplomacy will soon have “Saved Decks”.
    * Spam/Gold selling filters are being worked on.
    * No plans as yet for more bank space or space in houses for items, but are reviewing the subject.
    * Hacks/Wall exploiting fixes are being addressed.
    * Quests that are far below your level will soon appear as gray shields instead of gold.
    * Pathing issues are being addressed (npc´s walking over rocks/barrels, “Can´t See Target&rdquo

Link: Hier gehts zu den Infos bei Silky Venom

Unsere Kollegen von vgtact haben in einer PowerPoint Präsentation die Änderungen am Diplomatiesystem eingearbeitet. wer sich hierfür interessiert, der kann die Informationen hier finden: zu vgtact.com

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | Gilde Dwarvenholt wird vorgestellt

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 04. 2007 um 23:46 Uhr

Nicht nur bei EverQuest 2 werden die Gilden weiterhin vorgestellt, sondern auch hier bei Vanguard : Saga of Heroes werden immer wieder Gilden interviewt und stehen Rede und Antwort. Dieses mal traf es die Gilde Dwarvenholt auf dem Server Seradon.

    The current Thanes of the Guild are Garth Bluntaxe, Faegan Warghammer , and unoffically BainSamryn Hammerspirit . Our officer structure is that Uzbad are Highest officers and each Uzbad is allowed 2 Izbad’s[junior officers] .Initiates became members after 30 days or a month of play which is also based on player activity as well and our decision in our monthly guild meetings .Dwarvnholt is located on the Seradon Server.

Link: Hier gehts zum kompletten Interview

>> Kommentare: 0

SOE | SOE´s Second Annual Block Party

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 09. 2007 um 20:50 Uhr

Am Samstag den 28. Juli findet die zweite Party von SOE für ihre Fans statt. Sie wird zur gleichen Zeit wie die Comic-Con sein und bietet den Besuchern vieles, was für einen Besuch spricht. Seit ihr zufällig in der Nähe könnt ihr ja vorbei schauen.

    Thought last year´s block party was a ton of fun? Get ready to be shocked, because this one is going to put last year´s to shame!

    The party will feature raffles, food and drink, and other assorted goodies accompanied by music, we have fun planned for kids as well. There will be SOE game demos, as well as a sneak peak at The Agency!

    Meet with dev team members and staff, socialize with employees and friends, and have a great time. Who knows, maybe you will get the chance to dunk one of the devs or staff members in the dunk tank.

    This event will be held during Comic-Con on Saturday, July 28th. Even if you are not attending Comic-Con, stop by the block party anyway! All are welcome! Attendance is FREE!

    When: July 28th, 2007 Saturday

    Where: SOE Headquarters
    8928 Terman Court
    San Diego, CA 92121

    Buses: Comic-Con to SOE - 4:00pm-6:00pm

Link: Hier gehts zur offiziellen Ankündigung

>> Kommentare: 0

Interview | PhAtHoM wird vorgestellt

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 09. 2007 um 19:57 Uhr

Auf der offiziellen Seite wird Projekt Manager Thom ´PhAtHoM´ Terrazas der Community vorgestellt.

    When did you decide on this career?
    About 10 seconds after I was told that I would be required to play games often. My older brother is now pissed, thinking it would never pay dividends

    What do you think it takes to be successful in this career?
    I think the traits are limitless, but  items that rank high for me would be: A good work ethic - Work hard/smart; An eagerness to learn and stay up on a growing industry; Responsibility; Play well with others - a good balanced network can´t be wrong; ...and Desire. You got to want it.

    How long have you been associated with Vanguard?
    About 9 months

    What other games have you worked on?
    In one form or another, I´ve worked on the following games: EverQuest, EverQuest 2, PlanetSide, EverQuest Online Adventures, Star Wars Galaxies, Matrix Online, Tanarus, Cosmic Rift, Infantry, CyberStrike 2, MLB, NBA Shootout, NCAA Final Four, GameDay, Game Breaker, Twisted Metal, Rally Cross.

    What areas in Vanguard did you assist with in the creation process?
    Not a whole lot. Mainly worked as the liaison between SOE and Sigil Games.

Das komplette Interview findet ihr hier

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | Bilder des Tages

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 09. 2007 um 19:51 Uhr

Die neuen Bilder des Tages wurden schon vor längerem von den Spielern eingesendet und vor kurzem wurden sie auf der offiziellen Seite veröffentlicht.

Link: Hier gehts zu den restlichen Bildern
Link: Hier gehts zur offiziellen News

>> Kommentare: 0

Patch | Patchnotes 05. Juli 2007

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 09. 2007 um 19:43 Uhr

Die neuen Patchnotes sind da:


    - Captain Jiral, the City Dockmaster who ported people to Strandan, Ahgram and the Upside Defense Garrison has been removed.  With the addition of the riftway, his services were no longer required.

    - The Bloodhowler Elementalist’s Enfeeblement spell no longer lowers their opponent’s strength to 0.

Link: Hier gehts zum Archiv

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | Welche Probleme zuerst lösen?

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 09. 2007 um 19:37 Uhr

Im offiziellen Forum hat die Community Managerin für Vanguard Saga of Heroes eine Umfrage gestartet. In dieser geht es darum, die Probleme im Spiel zu priorisieren und somit zu bestimmen, in welcher Reihenfolge diese behoben werden sollen.

    We have our first poll for the Vanguard community. We would like your assistance in prioritizing our efforts to correct issues that most affect your game play. Please choose the issue that you would like to see the team focus on first. This does not mean that the other issues will be ignored. We will be working on all of these over time; however we would like your help in setting our first goal.

        * Character issues
        * User interface issues
        * Environment issues
        * Broken or incomplete Quests
        * Art problems

Link: Hier gehts zur Umfrage

>> Kommentare: 0

SOE | Accountdaten nicht preis geben

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 13. 2007 um 23:31 Uhr

Erneut spricht SOE auf der offiziellen Seite (fast schon regelmäßig) eine Warnung bezüglich der Preisgabe von persönlichen Accountdaten aus. Jeder Spieler wird dazu aufgefordert seine Zugangsdaten geheim zu halten und somit dem Diebstahl oder anderem vorzubeugen.

    Keep Your Characters Safe!

    Account theft isn´t isolated only to those who choose to trade or share their station accounts (ignoring the EULA!) As the internet and online gaming population grows, so does the cesspool of scammers.

    There are a variety of ways in which people will attempt to gain access to your account, and the list grows everyday. Fear not, there are simple tips to ensure that your account is protected. Keep in mind these worn-out (but useful!) words of wisdom:

    Sharing your account information is never a good idea.
    Gamers have heard the advice before, yet a lot of people still opt to share their account information with close friends. Having a guildmate complete a quest for you while you´re sleeping may seem mostly harmless, but bad things can happen. While it doesn´t always end in catastrophe, you could log back in with a new last name like "Lovetrollslongtime" or something slightly worse which might result in a banning. It´s not always obvious, malicious attacks that cause good accounts to go bad!

    I´m sure we´ve all heard the fateful stories of guildbanks emptied and outfit members booted. Sadly, this is a direct result of sharing account information. Not only do you run the risk of virtual strangers reeking havoc on all you´ve worked hard for, but you make it difficult for SOE´s customer service staff to investigate and resolve issues.

Link: Hier gehts zur offiziellen Seite

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | Deutsche Vanguard Version?

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 13. 2007 um 23:29 Uhr

Wie unseren Kollegen von VSoH Gamona aufgefallen ist. Führt der Publisher Koch Media nicht mehr die deutsche Version von Vanguard Saga of Heroes in seiner Auflistung. Ob und wann die vor Release versprochene Lokalisierung kommt wird immer fraglicher. Leider ist zur Zeit auch keine Besserung in Sicht. Wir bleiben dran und versuchen nähere Informationen für euch zu bekommen.

Link: Koch Media

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | Picture of the Week

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 13. 2007 um 23:28 Uhr

Castigar Falknor ist der Gildenleiter von "Radiant Heroes" und füllt als erster Spieler das neue Feature Picture of the Week auf der offiziellen Seite. Habt auch ihr Bilder, so könnt ihr sie einsenden.

Link: Zur Picture of the Week News

>> Kommentare: 0

Sigil | Tribut an Keith Parkinson

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 13. 2007 um 23:22 Uhr

Keith Parkinson ist bekannt für seine genialen Werke in der Fanatasiewelt, doch leider verstarb er am 26. Oktober 2005 an seiner schweren Krankheit. Kurz darauf wurden einige seiner Werke an einigen Orten in den USA vorgestellt. Nun ist diese Tour beendet und die Bilder kehren wieder in San Diego zum letzten Stopp ein. Neben einigen Bildern kann man ein wenig etwas über das Leben von Keith nachlesen und ein paar seiner Werke bestaunen.

    About the man:
    Keith Parkinson was born on October 22, 1958, in West Covina, California. He attended elementary school at Weinberger School, San Diego, and graduated from Okemos High School, Lansing, Michigan. From a very young age, Keith had an interest in the arts. His take on what exactly constituted art was a little different from the definitions of most, though. Inspired by the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, he started painting sweeping landscapes occupied by fearsome monsters during high school. He quickly developed an affinity for his new hobby, and was soon splitting his time between painting and playing drums in a rock band.

MoreKlick hier um mehr zu erfahren

Link: Hier gehts zur Verkündung und einigen Werken

>> Kommentare: 0

Sigil | Thom Terrazas stellt sich vor

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 08. 2007 um 08:11 Uhr

Thom Terrazas ist nun der neue Projekt Manager für Vanguard Saga of Heroes und stellt sich auf der offiziellen Seite vor.

    I just recently joined the Vanguard Team in full capacity. I haven´t played Vanguard as much as I should but I am about to change that and this is where you come into play if you don´t mind helping a newbie out? I´ve usually chosen the path of a Paladin in previous games and have played a few levels of various characters on Vanguard so far but I haven´t made up my mind on which to play solely. I´m thinking about going back to my roots to start a new Paladin again but thought I would check with the community about what you thought would be the best character to play and why? I like the melee action but sometimes it seems a bit laboring and boring (without all the bells and whistles of a caster) and I have started to lean more towards versatility, like say with a Druid. So what´s the most powerful class to play? and/or a better question, what is the most fun to play? ...and do you have any tips on that type of character with complimentary crafting skills? Thanks in advance for the insight and see you in game!

Link: Hier zur kompletten Vorstellung

>> Kommentare: 0

Sigil | Sigil distanziert sich erneut von Gold Sellern

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 08. 2007 um 08:09 Uhr

Es ist schon längst kein Geheimnis mehr, dass es in Spielen die sogenannten Farmer gibt, wohl eher trifft man diese mittlerweile an allen Ecken. So wurde auf der offiziellen Seite ein weiteres Statement verfasst, um sich von den Verkäufern zu distanzieren.

    We have received many reports of spamming by Gold sellers in the game.The Vanguard team wants to make it perfectly clear that we do not support the sale of in game currency or items and any transactions with these companies are not sanctioned.

    The developers are constantly working to identify and effectively counter the activities of these Gold sellers in our game, and strongly encourage all players to file a ´/petition´ each and every time you are made subject to messaging from these people. You can also use the ´/report´ command to capture in-game text examples of this messaging sent to your characters.

    With your understanding and assistance we are able to identify and remove these people from the game. The CS team is working hard to handle your petitions and reports on this issue as quickly as possible, and partnering with the Dev team in finding ways to permanently counter the tactics of the Gold sellers.

Prinzipiell wird nur erneut darum gebeten, dass solche Spieler mittels /petition an das Vanguard Team gemeldet werden sollen.

Link: Hier gehts zur Meldung

>> Kommentare: 0

SOE | LA Meet and Greet recap

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 08. 2007 um 08:07 Uhr

Erneut fand durch SOE ein kleines Community Treffen statt. Dieses Treffen galt zwar einer Star Wars Zelebrierung, allerdings waren auch einige Gamer anderer SOE Spiele vor Ort. Wie es dort aussahe, das könnt ihr den Bildern entnehmen.

    Did you attend the Star Wars Celebration 4 in L.A. last week? SOE did and we threw a party for Star Wars Fans or anyone in the area that plays an SOE Game.

    Sony Online Entertainment hosted a Meet and Greet on Thursday May 24th in conjunction with Star Wars celebration. We invited all of our SOE customers to joins us at Rick’s Place which was a cross between a Tatooine cantina and a far off destination. We surprised most of our guests with a hearty cheer as they entered.. We had fans from the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Can you believe Florida, Michigan and Japan? The first guests to arrive were Steven from the Eclipse server and his Father. They had come out from Florida for Star Wars Celebration but when Steven heard he would be able to meet Jason “Pex” Ryan and talk a little Star Wars Galaxies; his Father could not keep him away.

Link: Vollständiger Bericht zum Meet and Greet

>> Kommentare: 0

SOE | Vanguard auf der E3

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 06. 2007 um 08:06 Uhr

Der Teilnehmerliste der E3 steht nun fest und die Kollegen von IGN haben diese bei sich auf der Webseite veröffentlicht. Wer genauer hinschaut kann erkennen, dass auch Vanguard auf der E3 präsent sein wird.

Link: Hier gehts zur Liste auf IGN

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          Quests: 0
          Gilden: 20
          Downloads: 69
          Phase: Released
          Release: Januar 2007


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