Interview | Eine Frage der Partei
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 02. 2007 um 12:52 Uhr
Nein ich werde hier nicht über unsere Parteien schreiben. Einzig und allein Ten Ton Hammer hat wieder einen "Ask the Devs" Artikel am Start.
In diesem geht es darum ob man denn als Goblin z.B. eine Zwergenstadt betreten kann ohne von den Wachen gleich niedergeschlagen zu werden. Und ob es soetwas wie eine "neutrale" Spielbare Rasse gibt. Darauf hat Nick "Glip the Gnome" Parkinson geantwortet.
I know faction will be important in Vanguard and will allow you to get questsitems with a certain faction level, but I have a question regarding faction in general. Will I be able to visit towns with opposing factions? For example, if I make a goblin character, will I be able to travel and visit the Dwarf city without being KoS? Are there races that are more neutral and that can get about anywhere?
- marcjpb
If you re a goblin and you are hated by the dwarves; odds of them letting you in their city aren t very good. However, there is nothing to stop you from working on your faction with them so they don’t harass (or try to kill *grin*) you when you enter.
- Nick Parkinson, Community Manager
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VSoH | Schamanen Klassen Preview
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 01. 2007 um 22:42 Uhr
Ten Ton Hammer, hat wieder eine neue Klassen Preview online gestellt. Diemal wird der Schamane behandelt. Er gehört zu den Klassen der Heiler.
The Shaman is first and foremost a healer. The Shaman s choice of patron (which is quested for at level 15) greatly influences the flavor of this class. Her patron grants her many unique abilities and a pet. (Shamans along with Necromancers are the two primary pet classes in Vanguard.) Shamans are quite versatile; they can cause damage with spells or melee. They are arguably the best soloing class of the healer classes.
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Intern | Frohes neues Jahr!
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 01. 2007 um 00:01 Uhr
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Interview | The Fellowship System
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 31. 2006 um 00:30 Uhr
Ten Ton Hammer: Ask the Devs hat wieder zugeschlagen. Diesmal hat ein User gefragt wie dieses System denn funktionieren wird. Und AR Schleicher Programmierer bei Sigil meldete sich zu Wort.
Last we heard, the fellowship system was still in. Is this still the case? How does the system work? Details! Details, I say!
- Hexonyx
When a group of friends play an MMO together, they often have different amounts of time available to play. Over time, this leads to those with more play time reaching higher levels faster, and no longer being able to group with their lower level friends. In Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, we’ve added the capability for a group of friends to form a fellowship, a persistent group of players who have agreed to split all experience gains between themselves equally, even while offline. When joining a fellowship, you must be within five levels of the highest level member of the fellowship. As fellowships are meant to be somewhat permanent, you must wait at least four hours after having left a fellowship before you can join another one. Fellowships can be made up of up to 6 members. The leader can also name your fellowship, and set a message of the day, and each member can attach a brief note to themselves. Finally, you can also view the ratio of experience contributed to experience awarded for each member.
- AR Schleicher, Programmer, Sigil Games Online
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VSoH | GameStop und die Pre Order
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 30. 2006 um 11:19 Uhr
GameStop hat zur Zeit das Privileg als einziger DE Shop die Pre Order vertreiben zu können. Verkauft wird die Pre Order wahlweise mit Collectors Edition oder der
regulären englischen Version von Vanguard SoH.
Jeder Vorbesteller der englischen Version erhält eine Pre Order Box (exkl. bei GameStop) mit folgendem Inhalt:
* einen Einladungs-Key für die offizielle Beta von Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
* ein spezielles Item, mit welchem man in der Vollversion für eine kurze Zeit sprinten kann
* die Möglichkeit, die finale Fassung regulär 3 Tage vor der Veröffentlichung zu spielen
* Guild Mail: ein Anwerbungstool, mit welchem man schon vor Release seine eigene Gilde zusammenstellen kann
* eine Riesensumme an Spielgeld
* Videos, Wallpapers & Screenshots
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VSoH | Neue Klassen Preview
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 29. 2006 um 13:00 Uhr
Diesmal hat sich VSoH WarCry einer Klassen Preview angenommen. WarCry behandelt in dieser den Desciple/Jünger. Die Preview ist sehr ausführlich gewordern.
The Disciple is, indeed, a powerful class, and one that is rather unique to the MMO market with a concept straight of out oriental mythology and wuxia/martial arts movies. They re healers who do what would be unthinkable in prior games: they willingly enter melee with their opponents. The only class in a prior game that I can think to compare them to is a Friar from Dark Age of Camelot--however the Disciple is a class of its own, with its own special abilities and its own unique style.
To begin with though, it should be noted that the Disciple is not a Monk. They are not intended to deal out damage with the offensive fighters--and they don t (in fact, their damage output can be rather low). So, for players who are looking for a healer that would also be an exceptional damage dealer, this is not exactly what the Disciple is. In actuality, it isn t being a "damage dealing healer" that makes this class unique, but rather their style of combat and style of healing that sets them apart from the rest.
As stated before, Disciples are not the type to simply stand in the back casting heals, instead, they get into the thick of combat to do their job. While they have healing spells like the other healing classes do, Disciples also have a few other abilities that allow them to be effective healers. Along with their healing spells, Disciples can actually heal themselves or members of their party by attacking their foe through the use of special attacks designed to use their endurance pool instead of energy. And, while they re attacking and healing in unison, they can work through combat chains, allowing them to use other abilities to damage and debuff their enemies, and even counter attacks and spells...
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VSoH | Darrin McPherson über den Paladin
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 29. 2006 um 12:41 Uhr
Heute hagelt es regelrecht Neuigkeiten. Und da darf natürlich "noch" ein neues Interview nicht dabei fehlen. So hat nun die Seite Paladins of Telon ein Interview mit Darrin McPherson geführt. McPherson ist der Lead Class Developer bei Sigil Online. Das heißt er ist für all die Klassen zuständig. Und wie der Seiten Name schon sagt, drehte sich alles um den Paladin.
Paladins of Telon -
Not much detail has been offered on what exactly a Paladin can do with undead creatures. It was suggested that Paladins would tank better in these situations. Can you spare any details, and describe what might take place in a typical battle between Paladin and the Undead? Are these bonuses simply innate, or are there special abilities that a Paladin can use, that other Heavy Fighters can not.
Darrin McPherson -
The Paladin does shine vs. undead. He can become immune to many undead effects, such as fear, stun, disease and poison. He is able to share a portion of this protection with his allies via a undead focused aura (Aura of Radiance). He has special attacks and weapon buffs that allow him to deal much more damage to undead. A few GoVs are undead focused, including Sunburst, a very large undead only direct damage AE nuke. Even his most basic attack, Holy Strike is more effective vs. undead.
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Beta | Handgezeichnete Karten
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 29. 2006 um 11:58 Uhr
Die Jungs (und Mädels) von Vanguard Spheres haben einen intressanten Fund gemacht. Unzwar haben sie in dem Beta Client von Fileplanet neue Handgezeichnete Karten der Kontinente Thestra, Kojan und Qalia gefunden.
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Beta | Glip the Gnome über die Open Beta
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 29. 2006 um 11:30 Uhr
Ten Ton Hammer, hat ein sehr intressantes Interview mit Nick "Glip the Gnome" Parkinson geführt. Aus diesem erfährt man ebenfalls das die Beta im Januar starten soll. Sowie, das die Server die Namen der Vanguard Helden tragen werden. Die Affiliate Fansites werden die Liste mit allen Namen in der nächsten oder übernächsten Woche erhalten. Auch macht sich Nick keine Sorgen um den Release von WoW B.C.
[TTH]: An open beta in early January would likely put Vanguard on target to launch shortly after Blizzard’s first World of Warcraft expansion, The Burning Crusade, which will launch January 16. Is it Sigil’s intent to go head to head with the WoW expansion?
[NP]: There are a lot of gamers out there. We think that as long as the games are good, both titles can do just fine.
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Interview | Das Salim Grant Interview
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 28. 2006 um 02:25 Uhr
Vanguard Spheres hat ein kleines Interview mit Salim "Silius" Grant geführt. Grant ist Senior Game Designer bei Sigil Online. In dem Interview spielt wieder das Craften eine wichtige Rolle.
Mel: Crafting in the past has been sometimes termed "a click-fest". With Vanguard:SoH being a third generation MMO, how will Vanguard differ from MMOs in the past?
Silius: Hard to get around the term "click fest" when that is the primary way you interact with the game world. Whether it be through key presses or mouse clicking, we are not beyond that point just yet.
Our philosophy and goal on crafting, we hope, will be a refreshing change to people who tend to craft other MMOs like ours. Our focus is on the interaction of the spheres and how each sphere can advance independently, but working with other spheres is certainly a good idea.
We wanted to make the process of crafting a little bit more involved, make you feel like your decisions were important and how you set up your character and gear made a difference in what you could and could not make and how well you did. |
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Beta | Open Beta im Januar?
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 28. 2006 um 01:10 Uhr
Die Beta 4 ist erst vor gut 10 Tagen gestartet. Doch schon jetzt redet man über Beta 5, die Open Beta. Diese könnte laut Nick "Glip the Gnome" Parkinson bereits im Januar starten.
I don t want to give an exact date for open beta, because there s a few things on our end we have to take care of that may change it by a few days first but early January is what we re planning on. |
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VSoH | Panorama Screenshots
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 24. 2006 um 19:18 Uhr
Auf der offiziellen Vanguard Saga of Heroes Webseite, sind 4 neuen (Umgebungs) Screenshots erschienen. Dieses wurde in Panoramaformat aufgenommen, weshalb sie auch recht lang laden. Doch das lohnt sich.
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Video | Mount: Flugdrachen & Pegasus
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 24. 2006 um 19:16 Uhr
Und wieder gibt es neue Videos zu den Mounts. Ein alter Bekannter wurde noch einmal vor die Kamera geschoben um gut auszusehen. Und neben ihm, gibt es noch den kinderfreundlichen Flugdrachen zu bestaunen.
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*Danke für den Hinweis @ Morphex*
Video | Mount: Wyvern
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 24. 2006 um 19:15 Uhr
Es gibt mal wieder ein neues Mount Video. Diesmal gibt es das Flugmount ´Wyvern´ zu betrachten.
In dem Video wird das Drachen Mount sehr gut in Aktion gezeigt.
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Intern | Frohe Weihnachten
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 24. 2006 um 19:05 Uhr
VSoH | Klassenpreview des Zauberers
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 23. 2006 um 01:03 Uhr
Vanguard TenTonHammer hat ein weiteres detailliertes Preview zu einer Klasse verfasst und veröffentlicht. Dieser Artikel behandelt die Klasse der Zauberers.
Like other arcane casters, a Sorcerer has a chance to identify a spell being used by an enemy and counterspell it. The counterspell could either completely nullify the spell or change the enemy spell into something beneficial to his group. For example, a Sorcerer´s counterspell may turn a damage spell into energy or health for himself or his group. |
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