Affilliated Fansite




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· Wer haßt wen? Die KOS-Lis...
· Betaforen schließen am 24...
· Beta-Ende-Event
· Beta-Client auch nach Rel...
· Kostenloser Chartransfer ...
· Employee Spotlight mit Be...
· Beta 1 Charaktere auf dem...
· *UPDATE* Server Liste
· Beta Ende
· Greifen Event auf Server ...
· 3 neue Affiliated Fanseit...
· Noch keinen Beta Key?
· VG WarCry interviewt Nick
· Offizielles Forum geschlo...
· Vieles Neues in der Downl...
· Build 1849 Patch Notes 07...
· Build 1835 Patch Notes 5/...
· Build 1818 Patch Notes 4/...
· Build 1817 Patch Notes 4/...
· Build 1723 Patch Notes 1/...
· Build 1722 Patch Notes 1/...
· Build 1724 Patch Notes 1/...
· Build 1725 Patch Notes 1/...
· Build 1726 Patch Notes 1/...
· Build 1728 Patch Notes 2/...

Beta | Wer haßt wen? Die KOS-Liste.

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 24. 2007 um 20:20 Uhr

Es ist nicht immer leicht auf der Welt, also warum soll es in Telon anderst sein. So manche Rassen werden nicht gerne in einigen Städten gesehen und gar umgebracht, sollten sie es dennoch versuchen. Wir haben für euch aus dem Betaforum eine KOS (Kill on Sight) sicher gestellt und stellen sie euch nun zuer Verfügung.

    Kills on Sight: Half Elf
    Kills on Sight: Kojani Human
    Kills on Sight: Raki
    Kills on Sight: Wood Elf
    Kills on Sight: Gnome
    Kills on Sight: Mordebi Human
    Kills on Sight: Qaliathari Human
    Kills on Sight: Dwarf
    Kills on Sight: Halfling
    Kills on Sight: High Elf
    Kills on Sight: Thestran Human

    Kills on Sight: Orc
    Kills on Sight: Goblin
    Kills on Sight: Dark Elf

Link: Zur KOS-Liste

>> Kommentare: 0

Beta | Betaforen schließen am 24. Januar

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 23. 2007 um 18:06 Uhr

Es ist soweit. Es werden nun auch die Foren zur Beta geschlossen. Der Termin steht für morgen Abend fest. Ab dann wird es nur noch möglich sein sich über die einzelnen affiliated Fanseiten auszutauschen.

    The beta forums will be officially closing on Wednesday, January 24th at 12:00am PST. Thank you for the continued support and all the great feedback! For continued Vanguard discussion, please hop on over to one of the Affiliate fan sites. Thanks!

Link: Zur Ankündigung

>> Kommentare: 0

Beta | Beta-Ende-Event

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 23. 2007 um 18:00 Uhr

Das Ende der Beta steht uns bevor. Aber zum Abschluss hat uns Sigil noch ein Event beschert.

    With the end of beta upon us we would like to thank everyone for their participation! It has been a long journey, but one very well traveled. We offer this fun filled day of events and tokens of our appreciation to celebrate Vanguard and the future that lies before it. The event starts this evening 1/22/07 After the patch and goes until the end of beta on 1/23/07 at 11:59PM PST

    Thank you everyone Vanguard would not be the same without you! We look forward to spending many years with you and sharing many more events like this. Enjoy yourselves, this is your party!

    Below is a list of events that are happening around the world

    Elrar Da Big – To celebrate Vanguard´s community Elrar Da Big will be popping up all over Telon to share great trinkets and items. These items all have unique effects and are dedicated to the fansites of the Affiliate Fansite Program.

    Bumper Boats! - The seas and rivers of Telon will soon fill with thousands of tiny and large vessels alike! The Crimson Fellowship will be ferrying players through the scenic waterways on giant galleons as players explore them in their personal schooners!

    Tele-Tag - Ahgram has been transformed into a war zone as players fight to find the griffon vendor. Players will be able to get Tele-Taggers at the entrance to the city, throwing these at another player will cause them to be teleported back outside of the walls!

    Be warned, however! For an ancient evil has awoken from its torpor and it hungers for fool hardened adventurers!

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | Beta-Client auch nach Release nutzen

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 22. 2007 um 10:01 Uhr

Es wird möglich sein, denn Betaclient auch nach Release weiterhin zu nutzen. Der Vorteil wird laut Elrar sein, dass dieser bzw. dessen Daten neuer sein werden als der Client auf der Kauf-DVD.

    You will be able to use the beta client at release, and it will in fact be more up to date than the client on the DVD´s.

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | Kostenloser Chartransfer und mehr Server

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 22. 2007 um 10:00 Uhr

Laut einer Aussage von Elron wird es zu Release definitiv nur zwei EU Server geben. Doch sobald übersetzungen für die Clients anlaufen oder abgeschlossen sind, wird Sigil weitere Server in Amsterdam aufstellen. Zudem soll es einen kostenlosen Charaktertransfer auf die lokalisierten Server geben.

>> Kommentare: 0

Interview | Employee Spotlight mit Ben Thompson

Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 21. 2007 um 15:43 Uhr

Ja, es ist mal wieder soweit. Ein neuer Teil der Serie "Employee Spotlight" ist erschienen. Diesmal wird Ben Thompson ausgefragt.

    Who are you and what do you do?
    I’m Ben Thompson. I am the Assistant Art Director, Concept Artist, and Icon Artist. Three jobs that exponentially add work hours to any given day of the week.

    How did you get your start at Sigil?
    Keith Parkinson called me up to ask if I was interested in working with the team as a Concept Artist. It was only after being lured in so innocently that the rest of my responsibilities began to sneak up on me one at a time.

    What is your favorite part about working for a game company?
    Being that this is the first one for me, it is hands down the interaction with other artists on a single project. As an Illustrator you have little to no contact with the outside world so it makes for a nice change to carry on a conversation with someone throughout the day…even if that conversation is a debate as to whether or not Batman would beat Wolverine in an all out fight.

    What is one thing people might be surprised to learn about working at Sigil?
    That we don’t play games all day (unless you count rubber band marksmanship), we don’t eat donuts every morning (unless Jeremy is Late), and there is no chance you will be attacked by wild animals (unless you stray into Brandon’s cube).

    What is your favorite thing you have worked on for Vanguard so far? The Icons are by far the most fun part of my job. They are the closest to painting that I can get in the digital world of video games. Of these the Diplomacy Icons tend to take the longest and as such they are my favorite.

    What has been the most difficult thing you have done for Vanguard so far?
    No one job is in itself overwhelming, but when all three come down the pipe at once I can tend to have people from Coding, Design, Art, and Management in my cube at the same time. While I would like to think that this is due to my popularity in all of the departments, in the end it usually means that my day is about to get…interesting. What class/race are you going to play when Vanguard is released?
    Until we implement a Sniper class and you are able to upgrade your ranged weapons with a MK3 Scope I guess I will have to settle for a Rogue. The race remains to be seen…


VSoH | Beta 1 Charaktere auf dem Testserver

Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 21. 2007 um 15:29 Uhr

Die Chraktere aus der Beta 1 werden für ihr langes testen/dabei sein Belohnt so Nick Parkinson. Denn genau diese Charaktere werden auf einem Testserver übertragen. Auf diesen, wird wie von anderen MMORPGs bekannt. Ein Patch vorher noch einmal ausführlich getestet bevor dieser auf die Publlic Server überspielt wird.

    When the test server launches post release, it will be brought up initially with characters from the beta 1 server as a thank you for our long time testers, and we will add qualifying characters from the newer beta servers over time as we monitor the population and needs of the test server. Only characters created on or before January 18th will transfer to the test server and only characters that were accessed from December 15th to present will be copied.

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | *UPDATE* Server Liste

Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 20. 2007 um 00:26 Uhr

Der US PVE Server Florendyl wurde dazu auserwählt von nun an als RP Server zu exestieren. RP Regeln wird der Server nicht zum Start haben.
Zudem gibt es bei Silky Venom eine Erleuterung für was was die Server Namen stehen. So steht der Name Gelenia für einen berühmten Blut Magier.
Mehr dazu in unserem Forum oder bei den Link.

Tja hier sind sie, die Server:

    8 US PVE
    Florendyl (RP)

    1 US PVP

    1 US alt PVP

    1 EU PVE

    1 EU PVP

Link: Zu Silky Venom
Kommentare im Forum


VSoH | Beta Ende

Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 20. 2007 um 00:20 Uhr

Jaja, die Tage streichen immer schneller dahin. Noch vor kurzem waren wir in Beta 4 und nun wird schon das Ende angekündigt. Doch das ist ja nur das Ende für einen neuen Anfang ... oder so. Jedenfalls wird am 2ten, der Riegel vorgeschoben. Doch nicht für lange Zeit. Nur drei Täge später starten die Pre Orders durch und der Rest gleich dahinter. Hier noch ebend die offizielle Mitteilung von Sigil:

    "Sony Online Entertainment and Sigil Games Online announced today that the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes open beta will close on January 23 at 11:59 p.m. PST. In anticipation of the January 30th launch of the fantasy-themed MMORPG, the servers will be shut down, and all beta character profiles will be transferred to a test server. The test server will open after launch with timing to be determined. For those who have pre-ordered Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, early access will be granted to the live servers before the official release date. More information regarding the early access will be released shortly."

>> Kommentare: 0

Beta | Greifen Event auf Server 1

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 19. 2007 um 13:13 Uhr

Wie uns Clywd aus unserem Forum bekannt gegeben hat, wird es heute Nacht ein auf dem Server Beta 1 von Sigil veranstaltetes Event geben, bei dem jeder Spieler mit einem maximal Level 5 Charakter einen Greifen erhalten kann. Das Event startet heute Nacht um 3 Uhr unserer Zeit. Also wer Lust und Zeit hat sollte sich das Event nicht entgehen lassen. Solltet ihr dabei sein, dann macht doch Screenshots und sendet sie uns an screens@molgam.net. Wir werden sie dann hier auf vsoh.info veröffentlichen.

    Attention Beta Tester:

    Sigil Games Online would like to extend our thanks for all your help testing Vanguard Saga of Heroes. As a small gesture of our appreciation, we invite you to join us January 19th at 6:00pm pacific, on the Beta 1 server for a special event. Pack your fur lined cloak, this time of year gets pretty cold at high altitudes!

    Due to the overwhelming response, we will be offering another chance to ride a flying mount. You will also have the opportunity to win a permanent griffon mount of your own! This test will require you to be online at 6:00pm pacific with a character level 5 or lower. The event is anticipated to run for a while so please prepare to be online for at least an hour.

    International Testers:

    We regret the hours of this event may not be convenient for our International testers. Unfortunately this test requires certain conditions and our highest populations happen at these times. Hopefully publishing this information early will give everyone the opportunity to prepare and participate.

    Below is a letter from the Crimson Fellowship discussing the details of the event.

    Citizen of Telon,

    I bring bittersweet news. A nomadic tribe of goblins known as the Guulrip, have been robbing griffon nests around Telon. Last month we removed another 3,000 eggs from the Guulrip’s camp and have since discovered that griffon eggs are rejected by the matron, once an egg is removed from its nest. The cublets are now trained in the art of flight and we hope you will join us in celebrating their graduation into full fledged adulthood.

    C’mon, you know the fuzzy little baby griffons would do it for you.

    Please also keep your eyes open for Guulrip Goblins, we are still unaware of their motives and fear something diabolical may be afoot.

    Knights of the Crimson Fellowship

>> Kommentare: 0

Sigil | 3 neue Affiliated Fanseiten

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 19. 2007 um 13:07 Uhr

Sigil Games Online hat weitere drei Webseiten in das Affiliated Programm aufgenommen. So möchten wir Vanguard Radio, Paladins of Telon und vgsohinterface.com.

    Paladins of Telon is the new home for anyone interested in having intelligent conversation about the Paladin Class, Heavy Fighters, and Vanguard as a whole. We strive to maintain a fully up-to-date database of Paladin abilities, as well as many guides that will help you to learn the game, and become a better Paladin! Our community has been expanding recently, and we are quickly becoming one of the strongest Class-Specific communities.

    VanguardRadio.com is a full, multi-media site, offering a 24-hour web radio station to the Vanguard Community as well as networking to the other Affiliate sites. VRadio brings you current news, updates on the game, ingame event coverage, interviews and PodCasts. We invite those interested to contact us with topics of interest, or even a chance at being a radio DJ!The forums are available for ongoing discussions concerning the game, interviews or game events. Let Vanguard Radio be your number one radio station as you walk the world of Telon!

    Vgsohinterface.com was created with the intention of giving UI Authors, Users, and just the generally UI curious a place to go and discuss Customizing the Vanguard UI. We have always intended it to be a site ran by the community, for the community, and we have succeeded! Vgsohinterface.com is a lively community full of activity, and excitement! Our newest edition is the UI Wiki, a section of our site devoted to tutorials, and the technical details of UI modding. So come on over, browse our forums, download a UI, or visit our Wiki for tutorials on delving into creating one your self!

Link: Zu Vanguard Radio
Link: Zu Paladins of Telon
Link: Zu vgsohinterface.com

>> Kommentare: 0

Beta | Noch keinen Beta Key?

Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 18. 2007 um 19:03 Uhr

Du würdest dir so gerne vor Release selber ein Bild von Vanguard machen? Dann haben dich unsere Kollegen von gamona erhört. Sie vergeben noch 5000 Keys (stand 15:11Uhr). Mit ein wenig Glück kannst also auch du schon einmal reinschnuppern.

Link: Zu den Keys
Link: Kommentare im Forum (0)

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | VG WarCry interviewt Nick

Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 18. 2007 um 18:54 Uhr

Vanguard WarCry hat gestern ein Interview mit Nick Parkinson geführt. Es ging diesmal wieder ums Craften, die Diplomatie und einiges mehr. Auch über Mircosoft und SOE fielen wieder ein paar Worte.

    WarCry Network: What has the transition from Microsoft to SOE as a publisher meant to the development of Vanguard?

    Nick Parkinson: It has meant that we are working with a company who is very experienced in MMOs. When we need something, be it something technical or something for marketing they know what we re talking about and they re on it. Being able to work with folks who have that experience is invaluable.

    Also, for what we need they re really the best at, plain and simple. As our co-publisher, SOE will be handling distribution, data center operations (hosting the game, etc), technical (not in-game) support and will be helping us a lot with marketing. All areas where SOE really shines.

    Not to mention, logistically it makes a lot of things easier as well. They re just down the road from us here in San Diego and many of us have worked with them before, so we re already familiar with one another.

Link: Zum Interview
Link: Kommentare im Forum (0)

>> Kommentare: 0

Sigil | Offizielles Forum geschlossen

Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 16. 2007 um 15:44 Uhr

In der letzten Nacht, hat Sigil wie bereits angekündigt das offizielle Forum dicht gemacht. Die vorhandene Post jedoch bleiben weiterhin erhalten und vegetieren nun als Archiv dahin. Das heißt wenn ihr nun Fragen habt ect. müsst ihr euch an die Community Seiten wenden. Bzw an Uns *smile*

Link: Noch keinen Foren Account? *klick*
Link: Kommentare im Forum (0)

>> Kommentare: 0

VSoH | Vieles Neues in der Downloadsektion

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 13. 2007 um 18:20 Uhr

Wir haben für euch unsere Download Sektion erweitert. Es stehen jetzt 28 weitere Videos mit einer Größe von 1,8 GB zum Download bereit. Insgesamt könnt ihr bei uns aber viel mehr herunter laden.

Link: Besucht unsere Downloadsektion
Link: Kommentare im Forum (0)

>> Kommentare: 0

Beta | Station Access = Beta Key?

Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 13. 2007 um 16:14 Uhr

Laut Nólaquen von Silky Venom sind wohl Station Access Subscriber dazu eingeladen wurden an der Vanguard Open Beta teil zu nehmen. Also eventuell mal die Mailkonten checken.

Angaben ohne Gewähr *hust*

Link: Zum Post auf Silky Venom
Link: Kommentare im Forum (0)

>> Kommentare: 0

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          Quests: 0
          Gilden: 20
          Downloads: 69
          Phase: Released
          Release: Januar 2007


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           Trademarks are the property of Sigil Games Online, Inc. Game content and materials copyright Sigil Games Online, Inc.
          All rights reserved. Other Trademarks are properties of their respective owners.