Sigil|Sigil distanziert sich erneut von Gold Sellern
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 08. 2007 um 08:09 Uhr
Es ist schon längst kein Geheimnis mehr, dass es in Spielen die sogenannten Farmer gibt, wohl eher trifft man diese mittlerweile an allen Ecken. So wurde auf der offiziellen Seite ein weiteres Statement verfasst, um sich von den Verkäufern zu distanzieren.
We have received many reports of spamming by Gold sellers in the game.The Vanguard team wants to make it perfectly clear that we do not support the sale of in game currency or items and any transactions with these companies are not sanctioned.
The developers are constantly working to identify and effectively counter the activities of these Gold sellers in our game, and strongly encourage all players to file a ´/petition´ each and every time you are made subject to messaging from these people. You can also use the ´/report´ command to capture in-game text examples of this messaging sent to your characters.
With your understanding and assistance we are able to identify and remove these people from the game. The CS team is working hard to handle your petitions and reports on this issue as quickly as possible, and partnering with the Dev team in finding ways to permanently counter the tactics of the Gold sellers. |
Prinzipiell wird nur erneut darum gebeten, dass solche Spieler mittels /petition an das Vanguard Team gemeldet werden sollen.
Link: Hier gehts zur Meldung