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Interview|Interview mit Michael Mann

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 01. 2007 um 10:55 Uhr

Es wird bald Änderungen für die Druidenklasse geben. Mensis von Vanguard Ten Ton Hammer hat dabei die Gelegenheit erfasst und dem Game Designer Michael ´Avair´ einiges in an Informationen entlocken können.

    [TTH]: Regarding the Wolf Pack wonder, some people find the wolf shape annoying because they cannot see their character’s actions. As a result, many opt to ignore this buff, even though it is one of the most effective in the game. Are there any plans to improve this?

    [MM]: Originally the wolfshape/wolf pack ability was going to transform characters into a werewolf model, which is much more conducive to casting animations and particle effects. With our time constraints and available resources we were not able to get the model we needed. We used the wolf model instead and it is not the optimal situation. In the meantime I can make the ability have two icons, one for the buff and one for the shape shift. This way players can click off the wolf form if they choose and still reap the benefits of the buff.

Link: Hier gehts zum Interview







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          Quests: 0
          Gilden: 20
          Downloads: 69
          Phase: Released
          Release: Januar 2007


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