VSoH|TenTonHammer Top 10 Bug und Issue Liste
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 21. 2007 um 08:46 Uhr
Die Kollegen von TenTonHammer haben sich dazu entschlossen Sigil Games Online bei der Sammlung von Bugs und Spieleverbesserungen behilflich zu sein. Aus diesem Grund haben sie eine eigene Top 10 Bug und Spielewunschliste erstellt. Die erste aus einer größeren Serie wird nun präsentiert.
This is the first in a series of bug lists the Class Specialists at Ten Ton Hammer will be compiling for review by the Sigil development team. We are inviting the developers to respond to any bugs they feel are working as intended or to offer any explanation of how a bug on this list might change in the future. Suul compiled this list with the aid of other psionicists on the Ten Ton Hammer forums.
Issue: Enhanced and more exclusive control abilities
Our crowd control isn’t bad but very limited and with reaching level 40, more and more mobs are immune to charm, mezz, clone. In some areas immunities are the rule and not the exception which makes us utterly useless.
Issue: Buff timers
This is important for all classes really. 30 minute buffs need to be extended to an hour for one thing. We also need group buffs. When it comes to raiding, it will take longer to buff an entire raid than it will to kill the mobs. |
Link: Hier gehts zur Liste