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Interview|Eine Frage der Partei

Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 02. 2007 um 12:52 Uhr

Nein ich werde hier nicht über unsere Parteien schreiben. Einzig und allein Ten Ton Hammer hat wieder einen "Ask the Devs" Artikel am Start.

In diesem geht es darum ob man denn als Goblin z.B. eine Zwergenstadt betreten kann ohne von den Wachen gleich niedergeschlagen zu werden. Und ob es soetwas wie eine "neutrale" Spielbare Rasse gibt. Darauf hat Nick "Glip the Gnome" Parkinson geantwortet.

    I know faction will be important in Vanguard and will allow you to get questsitems with a certain faction level, but I have a question regarding faction in general. Will I be able to visit towns with opposing factions? For example, if I make a goblin character, will I be able to travel and visit the Dwarf city without being KoS? Are there races that are more neutral and that can get about anywhere?

    - marcjpb

    If you re a goblin and you are hated by the dwarves; odds of them letting you in their city aren t very good. However, there is nothing to stop you from working on your faction with them so they don’t harass (or try to kill *grin*) you when you enter.

    - Nick Parkinson, Community Manager

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          Quests: 0
          Gilden: 20
          Downloads: 69
          Phase: Released
          Release: Januar 2007


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