VSoH|Darrin McPherson über den Paladin
Veröffentlicht von: Sain am 29. 2006 um 12:41 Uhr
Heute hagelt es regelrecht Neuigkeiten. Und da darf natürlich "noch" ein neues Interview nicht dabei fehlen. So hat nun die Seite Paladins of Telon ein Interview mit Darrin McPherson geführt. McPherson ist der Lead Class Developer bei Sigil Online. Das heißt er ist für all die Klassen zuständig. Und wie der Seiten Name schon sagt, drehte sich alles um den Paladin.
Paladins of Telon -
Not much detail has been offered on what exactly a Paladin can do with undead creatures. It was suggested that Paladins would tank better in these situations. Can you spare any details, and describe what might take place in a typical battle between Paladin and the Undead? Are these bonuses simply innate, or are there special abilities that a Paladin can use, that other Heavy Fighters can not.
Darrin McPherson -
The Paladin does shine vs. undead. He can become immune to many undead effects, such as fear, stun, disease and poison. He is able to share a portion of this protection with his allies via a undead focused aura (Aura of Radiance). He has special attacks and weapon buffs that allow him to deal much more damage to undead. A few GoVs are undead focused, including Sunburst, a very large undead only direct damage AE nuke. Even his most basic attack, Holy Strike is more effective vs. undead.
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