Beta|Betanewsletter November 2006
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 16. 2006 um 02:02 Uhr
Wie aus dem aktuellen Beta Newsletter für den November zu entnehmen ist, wurde der dritte Kontinent Kojan nun für die Betatester freigeschaltet, naja zumindest die ersten Bereiche. Zudem könne die Betatester sich nun in die Gestallt eines Orks oder Goblins wagen und durch die Lande streifen.
Neben ein paar Bildern gibt es auch eine Liste von Dingen, an denen zur Zeit gearbeitet wird.
- To follow up last month’s preview, the revamps for Bordinar’s Cleft, Leth Nurae, Tursh, and Rindol Field are almost complete. Basically, every newbie area on Thestra received a facelift, in some cases major, and tons of new content. The flow of these areas is now completely different and tuned. We are targeting mid November as the date to reopen these areas.
- With the revamp of the low-level content on Thestra comes many new and revisited adventure areas. The Brownie Storehouse is now much bigger with a wider array of inhabitants.
- There is a new menace in Tursh. We don’t want to spoil it here but when it comes back up you should all be in for a pleasant surprise.
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- On Thestra, we’ve added a new premiere dungeon to the southern highlands; the Vault of Heroes. This is a new dungeon outside Lake Carlsson that should help unite Barbarians, Lesser Giants and Vulmane against a common threat.
- On Thestra, the Arcanium is a new premiere area that helps tie the Kaon threat from the Fallen Lyceum all the way to Leth Nurae.
- Also on Thestra, dungeons from Spiders Bluff have been moved and repopulated outside a newly created Veskal’s Exchange in the Eastern Elven Forest. This creates a great new locale for teen level players to adventure before heading into the Fallen Lyceum and really helps cement the story arc here.
- New NPCs that are now available to destroy: Anda’khar creatures have replaced the gargoyle in Kurashasa areas. Dune Crawlers, Behemoths, Jharru Casters, Jharru Warriors, along with FOUR delicious types of brownies are now in! Metal Golems, Elite Metal Golems, Winged Eyes, Venomous Frogs, Flesh Golems, Lampreys, Dire Crabs, Coral Walkers, and Wyverns should be appearing soon.
- On Kojan, Tanvu and Youngtree Forest are still several weeks out. The good news is that they are next on the schedule as soon as we wrap on Leth Nurae, Veskal’s Exchange, and Vault of Heroes.
- Quests for ship building should be in.
- NPC driven ships are coming along and should be in very soon. This means continental and intercontinental ferries will be appearing at major ports.
- The diplomacy team has been tweaking with decks and formulas making parley actions less predictable and more interesting.
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