Interview|Employee Spotlight mit Devin Lafontaine
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 30. 2006 um 21:40 Uhr
Erneut stellt Sigil Games Online einen ihrer Mitarbeiter im Internet der breiten Masse der Öffentlichkeit vor. Dieses mal hat es Devin Lafontaine getroffen. Er schreibt über seine Aufgaben als Senior Artist und wie er mit Terrain- und Ambientgrafiken umgeht.
Who are you and what do you do?
I’m Devin, and I primarily make all the terrain and environments in the game. All that exciting stuff like dirt, rocks, and trees. I know what you’re thinking. And yes… even the grass.
How did you get your start at Sigil?
I worked with some of these dudes at SOE in the past. They lured me away with promises of daily soccer games, fine foreign coffees, and a crazy open world to construct. They followed through on one of them.
What is your favorite part about working for a game company?
We’re all pretty fun and quirky in our own ways, so it makes for an entertaining environment to waste in front of a computer all day. At this very moment, I am overhearing a pair of coworkers debating the tactics of Guitar Hero finger placement, some others going over last week’s episode of Heroes, and some people are mocking a coworker for having never read the Watchmen. So yeah, it’s a pretty engaging place to work. The part where we make the games, that’s pretty fun too. |
Link: Hier gehts zum Employee Spotlight mit Devin Lafontaine
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