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Beta|Videos und Interview

Veröffentlicht von: mailhunter am 19. 2006 um 07:55 Uhr

Und wieder ein paar "neue" Videos, hehe.

    Update: added www.bradmcquaid.com/Movie2resize.avi I re-did the converting and it looks a bit more widescreen than me, but then it may just be me. www.bradmcquaid.com/MovieIV.mov is still there, but is going soon. Added the finale, first in uncompressed movie format, since it wasn´t quite as big (although some with limited RAM may still have issues): www.bradmcquaid.com/MovieV.mov And the compressed version (divx as usual): www.bradmcquaid.com/MovieV.avi Notes about the finale: 1. Lots of flying - all that I said about the other movies with flying apply again -- it´s choppy, animations need work, how you sit when mounted, etc. 2. It´s called Sneak Peaks (very punny, I know). It shows you a sneak peek of an area *never* shown before. This area is rough, unpopulated, etc., but I think, like I posted earlier, it gives a pretty neat glimpse into the future and how cool and exotic the world of Telon really is. So this is very much work in progress, but I hope you enjoy this finale, this sneak peek, as well. We´ll see when I do the next batch.. 1 or 2 weeks maybe. As I mentioned, I´ll show more action, maybe more UI. Definitely other very different locations. Soon after (or by then) more professionally made videos will be appearing, given to the big sites, the pubs, etc. that will be spectacular, but have a more marketing spin on them (not that that´s bad -- just different). And there´s also the one where Jeff and I narrate -- a ´Director´s Cut´, so to speak. More info on all of that later. Thanks for checking these out, taking the time to download them... special thanks to those who mirrored them and got them spread about -- please continue to do so. And most of all thanks for your faith in us and the game, and for being able to look past rough edges, unfinished content, amateur use of Premiere, etc., allowing you and giving you a taste of where the game is at now and, if you look carefully and extrapolate and imagine just a bit, where it´s going in the future -- it´s incredible potential. (And I´m really sorry -- no I´m not trying to be a tease -- but I can´t tell you where this area is or anything about it -- it *IS* a sneak peek, even for those in Beta, and while you get a quick look at it, there´s a LOT more in that region of the world that needs to be kept under wraps for a while... for various reasons... trust me. Sure, the general region might not be too hard to guess, but the details -- can´t do it. Thanks for understanding.) And if this video doesn´t back up our slogan of Set Yourself Free... well then I don´t know what will *bow*
Auf www.vanguardspheres.com steht ein Interview bereit mit dem Titel "Introducing....GM-Daegarmo!". hier eine kleine Leseprobe:
    Q: We know there are different areas of GM responsibility, according to Michelle. Is there a "main function" you do that you can talk about? I will be heading up the enforcement wing of the Customer Service Department. The “Game Marshals” (Current title, subject to change) Game Marshalls will handle most policy enforcement, and investigations, freeing up time for Game Masters so they can help and assist people more efficiently. With the Game Marshalls focusing on exploitation, harassment, and disruption as well as the enforcement of the NDA, EULA, and COC, we feel that a dedicated team will be able to insure the integrity of the game, so that it can be enjoyed by those playing it as intended by team that designed it.
Link: Forumspost im offiziellen Forum Link: Download-Mirror von Movie2resize.avi auf www.bradmcquaid.com Link: Download-Mirror von MovieV.mov auf www.bradmcquaid.com Link: Download-Mirror von MovieV.avi auf www.bradmcquaid.com Link: Interview mit GM-Daegarmo Link: Diskussion im Forum







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          Phase: Released
          Release: Januar 2007


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