Interview|Interview mit Michael Butler
Veröffentlicht von: mailhunter am 10. 2006 um 09:38 Uhr
Die jungs von WCry haben interview mit Micheal Butler gehabt. Fragen wie "Why did you enter into your current field of work?" oder "How did you gain your job with Sigil Games?" werden hier beantwortet. Ingesamt ein kurzen und schnelles interview.
Hier ein Ausschnitt:
7) How did you get started in the industry?
I really don’t know how I fell into IT. I went to college and studied Political Science, History, and Literature. I never took a single course that had anything to do with icky math or programming. Then, I ended up fixing cash registers, doing data entry, and running Point of Sale end of day jobs for a major company. |
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