Beta|Neue Technik und gefüllte Welt in Vanguard
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 01. 2006 um 19:06 Uhr
In Deutschland ist der heutige Tag ein Feiertag, aber umso erfreulicher das es in anderen Ländern nicht so ist, sonst gäbe es von Brad McQuaid heute wohl kein neues Screenshots aus der Beta auf seiner privaten Homepage.

Laut Brad und wie unschwer auf dem Bild zu sehen ist, wird zur Zeit die Welt gefüllt und neue Techniken erden eingeführt. Bald schon wird es mehrere Bilder zu sehen geben, die dies belegen werden.
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We´ll also be releasing shots of our new water tech and some weather stuff soon as well. The water tech... man, I´m blown away -- currents, rapids, etc. Amazing stuff. Can´t wait to share it with you. Basically, we´re at the point where the foundation of the world is in place, allowing the designers to populate without something major changing artistically and screwing them up. So now the artists and the programmers who work on art tech can focus on tech that makes the game look better without changing that foundation. And with shader 2.0 technology and the more recent graphics cards, there a LOT you can do to make an area look better without re-doing art assets. In the ´old days´ you´d really have to do major surgery to update an entire world´s tech -- this is not nearly as true now, and is becoming less and less so. Plus, knowing that Vanguard will be around for a while, our programmers architected the engine and renderer to be easily upgradable, so as newer tech comes out, again, in most cases, we will be able to take advantage of it and make the game look better with either no or very little re-work on the artist´s part (and therefore also negligible if any work on the designer´s part). |
Link: Das Bilder findet ihr bei uns in der Galerie
Link: Beitrag von Brad McQuaid im OVF
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