Interview|Doug Cronkhite bei Vanguard Fighters
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 07. 2006 um 18:09 Uhr
In einem Interview auf der Fanguard beantwortete Doug "Elidroth" Cronkhite in einem Interview Vanguard Fighters gegenüber ein paar Fragen.
You played EQ for several years and raided everything from Lady Vox to the Plane of Time. Now that you are a developer, what are the biggest challenges you’re finding with designing raid content?
The hardest part for me is coming up with something new that hasn’t been done fifty times before. As much as I played EQ and other games, it’s very easy to start working on something only to realize your ‘inspiration’ was simply something you had done before and forgotten about. Coming up with something really unique and interesting is the challenge that makes all the long hours and hard work really worth it in the end. |
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