Interview|Interview mit Zack Karlsson
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 19. 2005 um 18:58 Uhr
Vanguard Stratics hatte die Möglichkeit zusammen mit Zack Karlsson, Director of Business Development, ein Interview abzuhalten. In dem Interview erfahren wie, was alles nötig ist um ein solches Spiel wie Vanguard Saga of Heroes zu produzieren.
Vanguard Stratics: While most fans are aware of the developers and programmers for a game of Vanguard's size how many folks do you have taking care of the business end?
Zack Karlsson: Well, that depends on what you mean by business folks. As the Director of Business Development, I’m primarily responsible for portions of the business end. We also have Jon Grande, our VP of Business & Legal Affairs who handles a lot of the contracts and negotiations for the company – plus Brad & Jeff both have profound involvement when appropriate or necessary.
VGS: With the boom of online gaming and all the possible choices for a company to fund, do games now have to be much more developed then in the past before finding a source of funding?
ZK: To some extent yes, but not entirely. The idea has to be there, but not necessarily fleshed out. The pitch has to be much more refined than it used to be.
VGS: At what stage of development did you approach Microsoft for funding? How flushed out was the game or was it more of a very general concept?
ZK: Our relationship with Microsoft began very early on in the Vanguard development cycle. The concepts for what we intended to deliver were there, as well as some early demonstrable functionality, but we approached them with a cohesive plan for delivery and they were excited about the team, so we were able to gel fairly early on in the process. |
Link: Interview auf Stratics
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