Sigil|Vanguard-esp wird neue affilliated Fansite
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 18. 2005 um 19:24 Uhr
Mit Vanguard-esp ist eine neue affilliated Fansite in die Community hinzugetreten. Das besondere ist an dieser Website, sie kommt aus Spanien und vertritt somit eine weitere Sprache (nun insgesamt drei).
Vanguard-esp's objective is to create a site for all Vanguard players whose main language is Spanish. We look to provide our visitors with screenshots, lore, interviews and other Vanguard-related information, and of course a place to discuss the game. At this time we are a young website, but we are working hard to include as much content as possible, and our hope is to be the Spanish Vanguard reference website.
"Juanka" - Site Administrator |
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