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Sigil|Keine Oktober-Fanguard

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 14. 2005 um 09:54 Uhr

Die Community Managerin Cindy Bowens hat im offiziellen Forum eine Aussage zu der geplanten Fanguard im Oktober gemacht, die nun leider aus Kosten- und Zeitgründen abgesagt wurde. Sigils Ressourcen sind zur zeit vollkommen für die Beta und den bevorstehenden release eingeplant sodass erst Anfang nächsten Jahres ein neues Event für Fans veranstaltet werden kann.

    There were two reasons we had to make this decision. First of all we had to really consider the expenses. For a group this size, it was quite a challenge to come up with space and make arrangements that we could afford. At this stage in development, we don't have any extra funds for something like this which would have meant higher prices for you. And that didn't seem feasible.
    The second reason is our schedule during this time. As we tried to hammer out the details for this event, it became very apparent that very few of our team would be able to attend. Right now, everyone here is focused on Beta and getting the game ready to ship.

    We are looking forward to doing another fan event soon, most likely the first of next year. I am very sorry we can't host one now. I was really looking forward to it. But we have to make sure the timing is right for these things and that they don't impact our production schedule. And that just couldn't be worked out this time.

Link: Thread von Cindy Bowens
Link: Kommentare







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          Quests: 0
          Gilden: 20
          Downloads: 69
          Phase: Released
          Release: Januar 2007


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