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VSoH|Penny Arcade Expo

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 29. 2005 um 23:09 Uhr

In einem ersten Bericht von Cobalt Katze, wird das User Interface einiger Klassen in Vanguard : Saga of Heroes beschrieben. Der Bericht ist das Resultat der Vanguard Präsentation auf der Penny Arcade Expo in Washington, welche letztes Wochenende statt fand.

    In general, I was pleased with the combat shown. Though still at a low level, it looks reactive and pleasing enough to keep someone interested. The sorcerer UI in particular looks quite interesting. In contrast to a warrior's linear stance selection, a sorcerer gets a magical elemental wheel of sorts that lets them manage their elemental stances. At level 4, only Water and Fire were filled in at the North and West positions respectively, but there were blank spots for the other 2 base elements at East and South, as well as the complex elements at NW, SE, etc. It's much more pleasing and arcane than a simple list or line of icons. I also got to see behind the scenes of a psionicist, perhaps still under revision in the UI department. Their class-specific window had a bar with various brightly-colored sections marked off to indicate what was taken up by maintained spells and whatnot. It could probably use a bit lighter of a palette and better blended with the rest of the UI as opposed to a bright solid color.

Link: Bericht von Cobalt Katze
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          Quests: 0
          Gilden: 20
          Downloads: 69
          Phase: Released
          Release: Januar 2007


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