Sigil|20.000 User im Forum
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 25. 2005 um 21:46 Uhr
Jetzt am Wochenende war es soweit, ein neuer Meilenstein wurde im offiziellen Forum mit 20.000 registrierten Benutzern erreicht. Zu dem neuen Ereignis hat sich Cindy Bowens, eine der Community Manager geäußert und bedankt sich für das Interesse der Community an dem Spiel.
I just wanted to say thanks to all of you. We set up the place for you to form a community. But you guys make it the fun and productive place that it is.
Thanks to all of you that were here in the beginning to help define the atmosphere of this community. And thanks to all of you that have joined in as we have grown. Lots of people stop by to read and some move on. Those of you that have stuck around and become a part of the regulars have contributed much.
Thank you all for your feedback, your support and your enthusiasm. We are looking forward to exploring Telon with you. |
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