Sigil|Interview mit Bill Fisher
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 23. 2005 um 15:16 Uhr
Die Fansite Vanguard Gate hatte die Gelegenheit mit Bill Fisher von Sigil Games Online ein Interview zu führen. Hauptsächlich werden die beiden Kontinente Thestra und Qalia miteinander verglichen. Aber auch Aspekte wie die Untergrundwelt in Telon kommen zum tragen. So erfahren wir, dass es zwar Städte und Gebiete unter der Erde gibt, sie aber nicht das Gameplay in großem Ausmaß beeinflussen werden.
[Vanguard Gate] Another interesting aspect that we see re-occuring in Qalia and Thestra is the idea of the underground city/area. To what extent are you looking to develop this underworld so to speak. Do you see it being on par with other mmorpgs of past and present or do you think Vanguard will approach the level of the underdark as seen in the Forgotten Realms novels by TSR with its near 'infinite' vastness?
[Bill Fisher] The lands beneath Telon’s crust from a lore standpoint are quite extensive. That said, don’t expect to delve to deep into that underworld on the release of the game. The Dark Elves and Gnomes both originally hail from deep below, but neither race has dared delve back into those lands for a thousand years. |
Link: Interview auf Vanguard Gate
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