VSoH|Weiteres Interview mit Nick Parkinson
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 05. 2005 um 19:11 Uhr
Auf der Fansite von "Last Vanguard Fanboy" gibt es nun ein weiteres neues Interview mit Nick Parkinson, Sigils Web Content Developer.
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| 1. Your official title at Sigil is the rather ambiguous-sounding "Web Content Developer." I noticed, however, that you appointed yourself to the much more interesting position of "Forum Puppet and Web Content Slave." What's the difference between these two titles and, for those readers who may be living under rocks, in what manner do you pass your time at Sigil?
The difference is precisely three words, three vowels and seven consonants. They both mean the same thing though, really.Several of the guys around here wear multiple hats in the company. I split my time between working on community stuff and updating and maintaining the website with content (i.e. lore, concept art). I’ve also gotten pretty good at angling rubber bands off the ceiling into the designers’ area though too. |
Link: Interview (engl.) Link: Forum